We're still here!
Sorry that we haven't updated for quite some time. It seems like not enough happens to update every week, but then a lot of small things add up and we're behind! We'll start a few weeks back, then work toward today.
Shanonn went home the week of the 10-15 and spent some time with family and had a relaxing week off from work. That Friday, she ventured down to OKC to visit Vanessa and finally meet baby Denver and also to see Erin. She had a really great time getting to catch up with them and see them after several months. Sometime during the week that Shanonn was gone, Tyler took his first check-flight and did really well! His second one should be happening in the near-future.
The next Friday (the 21st) Tyler had his Family Day, so Shanonn got to see him fly his training helicopter. It was a fun day, but it wasn't without it's problems. Tyler was supposed to be out at the stage field about 1 o'clock, but didn't end up getting there until almost 3 because his first helicopter had a maintenance issue and they ended up having to get an entirely new aircraft. Shanonn had waited for Tyler to show up to eat lunch, so she was very hungry by the time he got there! It was a good day and we both got to meet and talk to flight students and their wives that we hadn't met before. Just when the day was scheduled to be over, Tyler landed the helicopter in a smaller landing area and shut it down, so that his stick-buddy and his wife could take pictures with it and meet the IP that flies with them everyday. It was simply an interesting moment.
The weather here is still very nice, a little cool this weekend, but nothing compared to what the rest of you have been experiencing, it seems! Tyler is still doing really well in school and has found some good friends to study with, while Shanonn is still working and will start subbing full-time in just a few weeks. On Monday, Tyler should be completing his first cross-country flight to Albany, Georgia, then back. Hopefully, that's all the exciting news we have for now! We will try to be better about updating.
Hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for checking in on us and feel free to call or e-mail us!